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Saturday, October 23, 2010

First Five Orders!

Thank you to everyone who is showing an interest in my sewing endeavors.  I am learning a lot and I am grateful that you are supporting me as I pursue a passion!

Here are the projects that I completed this week...five makeup bags!

Pieces that are cut and ready to be sewn:

Brown Flowers lined with Aqua Dots for the beautiful and talented Courtney:

Ornaments Multi lined with Bright Blue x 2 for the energetic and encouraging Fran (to be given as gifts):

Black Damask lined with Geometric Green for sweet Aimee (a gift):

Black Targets lined with Geometric Green for sweet Aimee (another gift):

For next week:
1 makeup bag
1 diaper changing clutch (a first for me, but I can so conquer this)
2 crayon rolls

Who's next?

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